A Show of Their Own- A New Podcast!


I started a podcast!!

Along with my friend Laura, we came up with ‘A Show of Their Own’ after many conversations about women covering sports, our love of sports, and just over all having conversations about everything.

We’ve both done podcasts before, me about the Texas Rangers and her about Royals (another area of interest we have in common and that helped build our friendship!) but with those podcasts, we didn’t have full control of them and we were somewhat limited in what we talked about.

With our own show, we can now talk about anything and everything.

Yes it’ll mostly be sports, mostly baseball and hockey, but we also have the freedom to talk about things that are tangentially related to sports or just any topics that are relevant to our lives and/or what’s going on in the world.

The irony of starting a mainly sports podcast in a time when there are literally no sports isn’t lost on us but we have plenty to talk about still.

It’s pretty much a guarantee that 87% of the show will be hockey and baseball related. If you know me, obviously I’m obsessed with baseball and still new to hockey. Laura is a massive hockey fan, she knows a ton about stats and contracts and like all the teams, she’s my go to person when I have any NHL questions. We both have our strong suits with different sports and will provide a bunch of opinions and information that we enjoy talking about and hope you will too.

Other topics we’ll discuss include Royals (another topic of interest we bonded over) and mental health. We’ll touch on anything that comes to mind or is important to us, as well as anything y’all want to hear us chat about!

The first episode is available right now! As of Monday morning, April 27, we’re still waiting for approval from Apple and Google but we are available to listen to and follow on spotify! I’ll update this post the moment we have links to other ways to listen!

Places you can submit questions or discussion topics or chat with us:

on twitter: @Japanese_Ginger
on tumblr: @laurasroyalblog

on twitter: @morganprice
on instagram: @morgannprice

The Podcast has an instagram! @ashowoftheirownpodcast

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