10 Years


Today's a sad day for me because it's the 10 year anniversary of my Grandpa's passing.    I wrote about him two years ago and there have been a lot of times where I feel very bitter, like I was robbed of time with him. Since his passing, I've learned a lot about him, and all the things we have in common. That also makes me incredibly sad because I didn't get to have any real time to bond with him about our shared interests.However, lately it's made me happier because I know he's looking over me and I hope it makes him proud to know his only grandchild shares a lot of the similarities with him.   I hope I'm honoring him by sharing similar talents and learning more about him and continuing to talk and write about him.So with this post I wanted to share more things I've learned about him and what we have in common, as well as photos, and a joke he told me once that I will remember forever.

  • He took some classes at the University of North Texas (where I graduated from) but he received his bachelors degree from OU.) So walking around campus was a little extra special

  • He believed the only part of a basketball game worth watching was the last four minutes and I couldn't agree more. Sorry basketball lovers!

  • I was flipping through his yearbooks once and found out he wanted to be a freelancer.

  • I used to go to my grandma and grandpa's house every Saturday for years as a kid and while I made my grandma and I eat mac and cheese every weekend for lunch (that's not an exaggeration, it was literally every weekend) my grandpa always had ritzs crackers with jif peanut butter and strawberry jelly.

  • Another memory I have of him, he always had a comb in his pocket and a hanky.

  • In 2004, I was nine and we went to Disney World. It was my grandma, grandpa, mom and dad, and me. I was so excited because it was my first time on a plane and first vacation with my grandparents too. They would always go on trips and bring me souvenirs. I always wanted to travel as much as they did! (Just minus the cruise trips!)

  • I didn't like any of the roller coaster rides, but was super shocked when my grandparents went on them with my dad. They went on Space Mountain while my mom and I drove the cars. I'll always remember my grandpa coming off the ride and immediately combing his hair!

  • Finally, the joke


Love you Grandpa!
