23 Facts About Me

I decided for my 23rd birthday I would share some facts about myself! I'm sure I've mentioned a majority of these at some point in the last three years I've had this blog but I figured it never hurts to introduce yourself again, right?

  1. 23 is my favorite number, I think I just decided this since I was born on the 23rd but I also tend to notice the number a lot. Probably because I'm hyper aware of it. Also, as a kid I decided I had to have a favorite number and 23 was it.

  2. I'm an only child.

  3. I never played on a sports team but in 5th grade we had a kickball tournament and my team was in first place... so I'll always have that accomplishment! 😂

  4. When I was a kid, every Saturday I went to my Grandparent's house and every Saturday my grandma and I would eat Macaroni and Cheese for lunch. This went on for at least three years. And I mean everySaturday.

  5. I never really collected anything until the last few years, I started collecting Texas Ranger bobble heads.

  6. Photography is the first thing I really remember loving to do. On holidays and other family gatherings, I used to take my Aunt's Canon camera and just run around the house taking photos of everyone.

  7. My favorite movie is Sweet Home Alabama.

  8. I was born 10 weeks early and came home a week before Christmas. I still have small scars on my hands and feet from the IVs. Apparently I also had IVs in my head that I would pull out. 😳

  9. I love listening to music but I've never been to a real concert. Although, I did see Lifehouse at a fall festival five years ago.

  10. I met my best friend in preschool, we've been friends for 20 years and I'm pretty sure we were meant to be twins.👯

  11. My favorite animal is a moose.

12. I have a notebook of quotes that really strike a chord with me. Sometimes I come across stuff on tumblr or pinterest and it makes me think "That! That's exactly what I feel but didn't know how to put into words." So I write it down so I don't forget it

13. My favorite TV Shows that I constantly re-watch are Sons of Anarchy, Newsroom, Parks and Rec, and the Office.

14. My favorite books are The Time Travelers Wife and the Carry Your Heart series, those are the only books I've read multiple times which is a sign I really love something.

15. My major is print/digital journalism focusing in sports journalism and my minor is psychology.

16. Originally I was going to major in fashion merchandising because I didn't really know what I wanted to do and I didn't think I was good enough at writing that I could make a career out of it.

17. In high school, I was in dance from freshman year through my junior year.

18. I hate flying but I have a list a mile long of places I want to visit, including all 30 MLB parks (well 29 since I've been to the Rangers ball park ;) ) Also if I could manage my fear and make a trip across the ocean to Europe, that'd be ideal too.

19. I've never liked soda or carbonated drinks of any kind. As a kid, I was determined to like it so I tried every type of soda in the vending machine at daycare and every time I hated it. I always described it as "spicy" because I didn't know how else to describe the carbonation!

20. I found out I have celiac disease just a little over a month ago, eating gluten-free isn't the most fun and not always the easiest but it's better now that I've found a good GF macaroni and cheese ;)

21. I hate writing "about me" pages. Making this list took wayyyyy longer than I expected and I always struggle with writing about myself. Even as a kid, when you would have to fill out papers on the first day of school so your teacher could get to know you, if it asked what my favorite food was, I always said pizza because I couldn't think of anything else. To this day I still don't know what I'd put.

22. Other than Ranger games, the only professional sport I've seen in person is hockey. I went to one Dallas Stars game, I have no clue what was going on but I can tell you I was terrified of getting a puck to the face.

23. I'm very picky and indecisive... I didn't even know what to put as this last fact and was going to change it because this is really a dumb fact... but like I said I'm indecisive so I'm leaving it! ;)