So That Happened

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Exactly one week ago, I was sitting in the same spot that I'm sitting in now. Exactly one week ago, I was writing this post. Happy Ranger moments. Exactly one week later, not so much. Not sure I appreciate the juxtaposition happening but it's happening either way.

The Rangers were eliminated in one of the worst ways possible. I thought the baseball gods were being nice to us for once by letting Bush strikeout Bautista. It had that feeling of "wow it might not end too terribly after all." It was the making of a great parallel to Matt Bush's MLB debut earlier this year.

In his first inning as a Ranger, he would face Donaldson, Baustista, and Encarnacion. The same three he would have to face in the bottom of the 10th. Unfortunately, it didn't go as good as his debut where he sent them down in order.

Blue Jays won the ALDS on an Odor error. Just what everyone in Toronto was hoping for.

It's starting to feel like the Rangers will forever have 2011 held against them and will be doomed to suffer for all of eternity. Is this what the Cubs felt like?

There's only one way to sum up the 2016 ALDS, it sucked.

In the spirit of #NeverEverQuit I really believed in this team until that final moment where it all crumbled down in a truly tremendously horrible way. Hindsight, yes there was absolutely no way the Rangers were going to win that series with the way Hamels and Darvish pitched. But the bullpen, mostly, kept the Rangers in the last two games.

It's easy to dwell on this, especially since it's less than 24 hours since it happened. The sting is definitely still there.

However as fun as postseason is, you have to remember it's only going to end perfectly for one team.

So as difficult as it is, we can't let three games ruin an entire season. Rangers played 162 games really good. Like REALLY good.

They had the best record in the majors in one run games.

Best record in the majors in come from behind wins.

They broke their franchise record for most home wins.

Elvis batted .300

Beltre will be the next player to get 3,000 hits and possibly 500 homers and he'll do it in a Ranger uniform.

Matt Bush will be a Ranger thru 2022.They won the AL West and had the best record in the American League, and that's not just pure luck.

So dwell on this series for a little bit, talk it out, cry it out, drink it out.

But be so damn proud of this team.The 2016 Texas Rangers was a special team. A good team. A fun team.

Don't let three games ruin the good season they had.