The Bart and Timmy T-Shirt


*just realizing I took these photos almost two months ago!*

Oops! Better late than never!

Anyway, this is one of my favorite outfits because it actually came together how I imagined it in my head. Most of the time, usually when I'm trying to go to sleep, I'll come up with outfit ideas in my head and then write them down in my phone. I'd say about 50% actually turn out as good as I imagined them. So I was super thankful when this one worked out!

I'm such a sucker for baseball t-shirts, especially fun and unique ones like this!If you're a Rangers baseball fan you've probably already seen and hopefully bought this shirt, if you haven't, you're following the wrong people on twitter!!

So if you don't know, this shirt is a drawing of the Rangers newest pitchers who are beloved in the world of baseball. Bartolo Colon and Tim Lincecum. Also known as Bart and Timmy. Also known as Big Sexy and The Freak. Yup. I didn't make those nicknames up, they're  real, I promise!

It's an awesome shirt, it's super soft, it comes in other colors, and you should buy it!

Adidas | sneakers
