Blue Suede Shoes


Well I think technically they'e velvet but close enough, right? Just go with it!

These aren't normally shoes I'd go for but something about them I was drawn to. It could be the fact that they were on clearance though so there is that. That being said, since they weren't full price, it kind of pushed me to get out of my comfort zone. Sure shoes aren't that big of a deal but I don't always get flats that I can't wear on the daily.

And I got another striped button down. I had to! It's soft and it's gray not blue like my others I've had. And last semester I apparently sat in or leaned on printer ink or something in a computer lab on campus, it got all over my favorite stripe button up so I had to replace it! It was a necessity!

Even though winter just started and it's only January, sometimes once the holidays are over, I feel like I should jump into spring clothes. Anyone else feel that way? Doesn't make any sense but it's like a switch is flipped and I'm like "well Christmas is over so that means winter is too."

It doesn't help that Target as already switched to full on summer and swim suits are out, ridiculous!I'm definitely more of a fall/winter person so I'm no where near ready to bust out the warm weather clothes (even though I was totally complaining about being an ice cube last week but I'd prefer that over a sweaty mess any day!) I guess it just seems like people are ready to get into the swing of Spring but I would much rather stick to my comfy and cozy layers!

So while I almost feel like I should start posting more spring outfits, it'll be at least a month before I fully commit to the spring clothes. Until then, I'll wear out my sweaters, coats, beanies, and scarves.

______________________________ OUTFIT DETAILS

target | flats (linked similar)

target | STRIPED button up

OLD NAVY | Leather pants

target| purse (linked similar)

old navy | coat (linked similar)
